San Juan Ridge Tapestry Project

Mine Doesn't Pan Out!

A Small Piece

“Building the Oak Tree School” with six embroiderers during the January 2014 Wild and Scenic Film Festival Art Show at the Center for the Arts in Grass Valley, California. Yes, the pun is intended… Which makes this piece one of my favorites. This befuddled man’s face makes it hard to trace with yarn, and we […]

Building the Oak Tree School Tapestry #6 is finished
2015 | Embroiderers | Tapestry

Building the Oak Tree School Tapestry #6 is finished

It has taken 13 months but the Building the Oak Tree School Tapestry #6 is finished. The tapestry will be unveiled at the annual Sierra Storytelling Festival held at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center July 17 to 19, 2015. The tapestry will be part of the finale for a larger Cultural Center Project funded […]

2013 | Campaigns | Tapestry

Stay Back!

Digging through a drawer full of old T-Shirts can do no harm, and as it happens, it can do much good! As we did this very thing, we found a T-Shirt related to the Measure Q campaign, and thus connected to our current tapestry, “Don’t Mine Our Water”. For those who are not aware, Measure […]